Registering for taxes

Registering for Self-Assessment/Personal Tax Returns

As a director of your own limited company, you are required to be registered for Self-Assessment.

If answering no, we will need to apply for registration on your behalf.
Tax Planning
If answering no, you will need to send the P45 to your Accountant as soon as it is received in order to complete your tax planning.
If answering yes, your accountant will request our P45 from Companion Accountancy.

In order to provide accurate tax planning and ensure all income is treated and taxed correctly on your personal tax return, we need to determine your tax residency status. Please complete the following questions:

Company Taxes
To calculate your annual turnover, take your day rate and times by 235
In order to file your taxes and speak to HMRC on your behalf, we will need to request agent authorisation for each of the taxes you are registered for. You will receive the codes in the post, (or a link on email for VAT from HMRC) and these will need to be sent to us immediately as they do expire. The codes will consist of 2 letters and 8 numbers.