Limited Company Formation


with confidence

Setting up your Limited company is quick and easy, so your new business could run within 24 hours.
We’ve incorporated thousands of Limited companies over the years, so you can trust that we know what we’re doing.

The service is available for £90 plus VAT, including the fee for Companies House registration and filing and registration with your tax office for the applicable taxes. When you’re starting a business, it can be vital to have experts on your side. Take us on your exciting adventure by using our world-class accountancy service. 

To form your company or appoint Companion Accountancy as your accountant, please give us a call at 01296 468 185 or email [email protected]


Navigate the nuances, plan with precision

There are several things that you should consider before you set up your limited company. Getting these things right from the outset will give your new business the best possible start, so thinking carefully about them in advance makes sense

You’ll want to choose your company name carefully, but it’s also worth considering more than one option. If your first choice already exists on the company register or it’s too similar to another company’s name, you won’t be able to use it. You might also want to check Companies House’s guidance on company names.

Legally, your company will need at least one director, who will likely be yourself. You have the option to name other directors as well, either at formation or at a later date. A director must provide two addresses: a correspondence or “service address” for the public register and their home address, known as the “usual residential address”.

Your registered office address is the company’s official address. It must be a physical location where notices, letters and reminders can be delivered to the company. Ensure that your address allows a business to be run from it.

The allocation of shares is normally done when the
company is formed; check that the shareholder(s) are as you want and that the company is owned in the proportion you requested. Remember, dividends are paid to shareholders in proportion to their shareholdings. Further shares can be issued and allocated later on if your circumstances change.


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